Physical Therapy Resources:
Dilators for cisgender women with pain, another option
Dilators for transgender women post vaginoplasty
Pelvic Wand, s-shaped tool to work on pelvic floor painful points; another option
Ohnut silicone rings that adjust depth of penetration
Slippery Stuff lubricant, paraben-free, water-based
Squatty Potty toilet stool
Toilet Meditation by Shelly Prosko, PT on YouTube
The Pleasure Prescription: A Surprising Approach to Healing Sexual Pain book by Dee Hartmann, PT & Elizabeth Wood, MSW
Pelvic Pain Explained, book by Stephanie Prendergast & Elizabeth Rummer
Apps: Insight Timer, Calm, Headspace
Sex & Intimacy Resources:
Uberlube lubricant, silicone-based, water friendly an informative, research-based resource on women’s pleasure; paid lifetime subscription
Come As You Are book, workbook, & podcast by Emily Nagoski, PhD
Becoming Cliterate book by Laurie Mintz, PhD
Betty Martin’s 3 minutes game printable & video
Dipsea App - erotic stories
Podcasts: That Sex Chick, Pillow Talks, Shameless Sex, Sex & Psychology Podcast